About This Game Developed by KX Games, Zhandou is one of the first MOBA style games available on VR and Non-VR platforms. Along with Zhandou's unique theme, playable characters, environments, and fighting system, Zhandou will be the first game based on ancient Chinese civilization and mythology. What you get when you purchase Zhandou at this point. Currently Zhandou is considered a "early release". Features (at this point) include:* The game at this point has 4 characters to choose from.* There are two maps you can play on.* Zhandou supports up to 8 players (4 v 4) and up to 4 on the PvE map.* Instructions on what to do and how to play Zhandou appears on the first screen when you start the game.We have big plans for Zhandou. With this being the first release of Zhandou, many features are still in development. However, if you purchase the game now you will get to see just how talented our team is and you will get a good idea as to where the game is headed. With this version, players who purchase the game will get in on the "ground floor". For a limited time players who purchase the game, will receive the first major DLC patch for free. As we develop the DLC, we will continue to make updates and bug fixes. So what you get with the initial purchase will only get better. We thank you!On behalf of everyone at KX Games and KX Games USA we want to thank you for your interest in Zhandou. We are a small indie game company. Instead of going on sites like Kickstarter we decided to release the game in its present state (early release). This way our fans will actually get something for their money. Not just some interviews and flashy trailers. Generating revenue now will help us develop what promises to be an incredible MOBA style game for both VR and Non-VR platforms sooner than later. 7aa9394dea Title: ZhanDou (VR and Non-VR)Genre: ActionDeveloper:KX GamesPublisher:KX GamesRelease Date: 27 Oct, 2017 ZhanDou (VR And Non-VR) Download Pc Games 88 This game was advertised as vr but has almost no functionality with vr equipment. using the headset makes the game unplayable and i spent 20 minutes just trying to figure out how to interact with a menu to start the game. Because the vive controllers arent supported apparently and the headset cant do anything alone so i had to dig out an out ps4 controller just to figure out that the game has almost no content whatsoever. The controls are nausea inducing and difficult to use and nobody even plays it so 90 percent of what it does have is stripped away.. *NOTE*: This game does NOT need VR support to be played, and the notice of that on this game's Steam page should be removed to increase its sales \/ playerbase.I played ZhanDou with Xbox One controller and no VR support.ZhanDou is a great-looking, Eastern-influenced Tower Defense Game that is lacking in content.ZhanDou feels a bit like an early access title, in that there are only two maps available. One being a PVP where you storm another base with creeps you may find in other Tower Defense titles, including smaller units, dragons, and a set of larger, bipedal sets of armor that tower over everything else. The other map is a "PVE" that is confusing and somewhat frustrating task to defeat the boss character of a set of armor\/large beast\/titan enemy while dodging an array of turrets that defend him. While this would probably be a lot more fun with friends, unfortunately at this time ZhanDou's playerbase seems thin to "Find Game". This is by no means a detraction from the game, as I do enjoy what is here (and hope the game finds an audience for the format of its gameplay...) but to try to defeat this PVE level solo seemed a bit insurmountable, especially with so little explained of how you are meant to hit the boss once he retreats after some damage and is heavily defended by turrets (do I have to destroy the turrets somehow? Do I just focus on him? It seems unclear if you are really damaging or ineffective against various defenses in the PVP map as well...) Of the 4 characters you can choose to use, the 2 I have used so far their attacks look flashy and the animation is well-done, but they feel a bit weak or inaccurate, while the armored units you can use in PVP seemed more destructive (and somewhat fun as a result..) The game doesn't appear to have an upgrade or ability system where you power up your character's attacks as a match goes on, nor any item purchasing of any kind (as seen in other similar Tower Defense \/ arena type games...) The mouse and especially the Xbox One controller sensitivity while navigating the character select UI is jumpy af, with no seeming option of reducing this sensitvity.I liked running around in ZhanDou's levels and really enjoy its setting of mythical, Asian, fantastical creatures and technology and the whole game has an impressive look to it. The scale of the battlefield and attacks look good, and each character players can pick from is unique. While their attacks lack the feeling of weight and impact of other titles, the overall design looks cool if you're into Eastern design. I will probably try to defeat the PVE boss again at some point, though with there being a slim playerbase to match with, and an inability to add bots either on my own team or the opposing team (for instance, in the PVP match, I was unable to add a hero character bot to face off against, so the whole thing felt a bit aimless as I steamrolled VS the base creeps and waltzed past their immobile, unused bipedal sets of titan armor...) If in future maps of the PVP mode an option to add bots is added to the game would make the game have some more longevity but without the option of adding bots in either mode right now (and only one map for each mode..) the game feels a bit slim content-wise.There are preview images in the level select screen of 2 more maps for each mode 'coming soon!' which I hope to see in the future, but I also hope that the game gains the ability to add bots (or adds a level up system to character abilities \/ various items to use...) While I have enjoyed running around ZhanDou, I also wonder if it would be a more enjoyable wave defense style game versus incoming suits of titan armor and creeps, rather than sticking to its Tower Defense trappings. I feel like the game is a bit split between a more arcade-y style PVE mode, and the Tower Defense PVP mode. I'm glad I gave this game a go after seeing it functioned with or without VR, but with its somewhat shallow amount of content (however impressive it may look) it is a bit hard to recommend. The scarcity of maps or characters aside, if you're looking for a nice-looking game versus large enemies in an Asian aesthetic it does that very well.. There are some cool things about this game. First of all, the design of the characters and environment is fabulous. Second, I really enjoy jumping on the big robots and controlling them, especially the big robot with the flat head, it is aewsome when I jump with this robot. But there are some things that the developer should really refine. The internet is not very stable. There is only one map to play which is quite boring, but since I may play with my friends, it is ok. But, saddly, there is not many people online. The special effect of this game really needs to be polished. I wish there would be a function to chat with my friends when playing it. Last of all, which I think the really really important, is to have a guide for new players, because I spent half an hour fighting the enemies before I found out that I may jump on the giant robots and control them accidentally. Since this is a pre-released game, I think 8.99 and some patients may worth for some future polishing.. This 2 lane MOBA is a hard pass for me and should be for you too. A sub par MOBA in every way that tries and cover up for its short comings by including VR support. (Video review with gameplay.) https:\/\/youtu.be\/USriA8wXZOQ The game has major short comings like attacks not being telegraphed by enemy units, making it difficult to tell when your attacks are connecting. There is no death animation when you lose all health and you jarringly just spawn back at home base. There are no walls on the single level you can play in and if you fall off the edge of the map you will fall forever. There is no one online playing as of today, and honestly I can understand why. All in all this is a pointless and overly simplified MOBA that was banking on sales based off that "magical phrase", VR SUPPORT. Thanks, but no thanks.. The only reason that I would recommend this game is that I see the potential in this game. The visual design of this game, environment and characters, is obviously, dedicated. I can feel the passion and anger of the game producer from the indulging color and lines of the heroes and the battlefield. The designer, or lead artist of this game is clearly a nervous and fussy kind of a nerd. However, the intention to attract customers with the exquisite visual art is apparently a failure. The sound effect of each attack is incredibly boring, keeps reminding me of every dinner time when my mom was grinding the kitchen knife. What is dreadfully sad is that I had to play alone, and nobody was there. Perhaps it will be more fun if players could fill at least a room. Even the PVE is extremely disappointing, I had to GUESS what to do. With NO guidelines AT ALL when I first try this game. Holly Christ! I am not the game developer! What on earth makes them think I could figure it out what the ** is going here? Come on, the two-laned battlefield is extremely large and one can easily get lost. I do hope that next time, there will be a guideline GUIDING me to do step-by-step when I first jump into this game. Another point that i cannot bear is that there is no rewarding or developing system of each character. Why am I trying to defeat those dragons and monsters if I cannot get a single reward or point from it? Especially when I was playing alone. It could be more interesting if I could get some reward such as a new map or outfit by killing those giant monsters. If this game could be refined with rewarding system, Freshbirds guidelines and better special effects, I would like to recomment is to my friends. That is all I want to say so far. I will keep playing this game and come back in a few days.
ZhanDou (VR And Non-VR) Download Pc Games 88
Updated: Mar 18, 2020